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Schedules4Team is a program designed for personal or company group calendaring (scheduling), based on Microsoft Outlook, without the need to enter data in more than one folder and without a server.


Group Objects: Members, Appointments, Meetings.

Schedules4Team Folder is located in Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders list (Calendar subfolder). It stores information about Group Members' activities. This folder is divided into two windows: Timeline Grid View and Calendar View. They can be expanded and closed by clicking the buttons located on the Grid & Calendar View toolbars.

Schedules4Team toolbar menu is located in Microsoft Outlook toolbar. It can be used for quick access to Schedules4Team folder as well as most-used functions and options.

Timeline Grid View is available in Schedules4Team Folder. It is designed to show free/busy time for the Groups. Additionally, Group Calendar can be sorted or filtered by location, name, or group in the Timeline Grid view.


Groups: Using SchedulesTeam, all the users who intend to share data within certain teams must be organized into Groups. Objects entered in one Group Calendar are not available for editing to other Groups. Nevertheless, you can see the appointments and meetings of the Members from all Groups by selecting "(All Groups)" in the Group Filter at the Timeline Grid View window.

Note: You are not allowed to rename any Group.


Manager is the Group organizer. Only a Manager can delete the Group. He/she can add, change and delete any data in the Group.

Assistant can add, change and delete any data in the Group.

Members can only add new information and delete the data they have entered themselves.

Member Without E-mail is a Group Member with whom Calendar/Schedules4Team data is not shared and/or he/she does not have an e-mail address.

Role: Manager, Assistant, Member, Member Without E-mail.

Note: It does not matter in which folder (Personal Calendar or Shedules4Team) you create your meetings and appointments. The other folder will automatically show all the entered data.

Getting started with Schedules4Team